HealthServe has a big vision to change the global landscape of Healthcare, but we cannot do this alone, nor do we want to. Our vision transcends HealthServe and as such, our goal is not to build a large organisation, but to remain a nimble and responsive ministry that has the ability to call on the gifts and resources of people across the globe to support those who are most in need.
We believe that partnerships are central to our Kingdom work, drawing on extensive networks of Kingdom workers in Australia and overseas who not only have the heart, passion and skills for this work, but are called to use their gifts, talents and resources to serve God in this way. Individuals and organisations who share our passion and call to this Kingdom endeavour, can partners with us in one or more of the following ways:
MembersHealthServe Members play a key role in supporting and driving the direction and work of HealthServe. Members have a governance responsibility and typically engage in the following ways:
AmbassadorsHealthServe Ambassadors are an integral part of the HealthServe network. Ambassadors play a role in widening and deepening HealthServe’s reach to enhance the impact and influence of HealthServe’s work throughout the world, serving in a myriad of ways:
SupportersHealthServe Supporters provide essential resources to power and progress Healthserve’s work and impact. Typically, supporters will partner with HealthServe in one or more of the following ways:
CollaboratorsHealthServe Collaborators are Australian or international healthcare or community development practitioners who are called to resource-poor communities to develop and deliver life-changing healthcare initiatives. Their work is varied, but typically, collaborators work in the following ways:
If you would like to know more about how you can partner with us, or have any questions about partnership, please get in touch and we will arrange a time to meet with you and talk further.